Thematic report |

Local authority placements of pupils with additional learning needs in independent special schools - October 2008

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Local authority planning for services for pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) hasn’t been sufficient. As a result, many pupils with complex learning needs are often placed out of their local area.In the schools we surveyed we found that, for the majority of pupils, their complex needs are not being met. Local authorities and independent schools don’t always consider the full range of the pupils’ needs when they assess the pupils’ behaviour.The most effective monitoring procedures are a result of good partnership working. However, collaborative working arrangements have not progressed enough overall.


Local authorities should:

  • strategically plan services in partnership with others to provide effective non-educational support for pupils with complex special needs and their families;
  • make sure, prior to placement, that independent special schools with linked residential provision can meet the individual pupils’ range of complex needs; and
  • ensure that comprehensive individual education and care information is passed to the school prior to pupils’ placement.

Independent residential special schools with linked residential provision should:

  • ensure that they only take pupils they have the expertise to teach; and
  • not accept pupils until they receive comprehensive individual education and care information from the placing authority.

For a full list of recommendations, please download the report.

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