Thematic report |

Wider choice and the learning core: progress in implementing a wider option choice and the learning core for 14-19 learners - August 2010

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A wider choice and range of courses for learners aged 14-19 has helped to improve attainment and motivation in schools. There is an increasing number of courses for learners to choose from, and there is much more collaboration between providers.However, there is too much variation in the range and number of courses on offer to learners in different areas. Too many courses have a limited viability, either because they only attract a small number of learners, or because the same provision is already available within the same area.


Providers should:

  • work more closely together to maximise choice and flexibility;
  • make sure that all learners get impartial advice when they make choices at age 14 and 16; and
  • deliver all aspects of the learning core, particularly key skills, Welsh-language skills and work-focused experience.

Networks should:

  • monitor and evaluate learner entitlement; and
  • evaluate the quality and effectiveness of collaborative provision.

The Welsh Assembly Government should:

  • further support the provision of Welsh-medium vocational courses.

For a full list of recommendations, please download the report.

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