Thematic report |

Supporting Learning Pathways - July 2008

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Thematic report | 01/07/2008

pdf, 377.03 KB Added 01/07/2008

Careers Wales companies contribute well to strategic partnerships with other organisations to enhance 14-19 planning. They support Learning Networks, and they draw the Welsh Assembly Government’s attention to shortfalls in work-based learning providers. They also help to enhance the quality of work-focused education.Overall, Careers Wales provides good support for the development of learning coaches across Wales. However, the role of learning coaches is not yet consistent or advanced enough, and partnership staff and learners are not clear about the role of careers advisers.Careers Wales companies need to do more to evaluate and share good practice.


Careers Wales companies should:

  • ensure that Learning Networks are clear about the services that Careers Wales companies provide within their core funding;
  • improve partners’ understanding of the boundaries between the roles of learning coaches and careers advisers; and
  • review, at a strategic level, how business plans and resource models can better respond to the developments of Learning Pathways.

Learning Networks should:

  • make best use of labour market information and the information on learners’ destinations that Careers Wales companies produce in order to plan provision.

The Welsh Assembly Government should:

  • ensure there is an appropriate match between learners’ needs and the availability of suitable work based learning; and
  • establish clear guidelines to clarify the role of learning coaches and improve the consistency of provision.

For a full list of recommendations, please download the report.

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