Thematic report |

A review of healthy relationships education

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Thematic report | 23/06/2017

pdf, 1.15 MB Added 23/06/2017

This report evaluates the quality of provision for healthy relationships education in schools in Wales. It identifies strategies to support schools in improving provision and outcomes for pupils. A series of best practice case studies exemplifies how schools successfully support pupils to develop and maintain healthy relationships.


Schools should:

  • R1 Implement Welsh Government guidance to provide a whole-school approach to preventing violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence (Welsh Government, 2015)
  • R2 Ensure that key messages around healthy relationships are embedded in the curriculum and reinforced regularly
  • R3 Build on the best practice identified in this report

Local authorities and regional consortia should:

  • R4 Ensure that all staff who work in schools complete the training set out in the National Training Framework (Welsh Government, 2016a)

The Welsh Government should:

  • R5 Publicise guidance further to ensure that schools and governing bodies are aware of the advice and guidance they contain
  • R6 Ensure that those involved in curriculum design and development for the health and wellbeing area of learning and experiences are aware of the important role schools have in implementing the VAWDASV Act 2015 (National Assembly for Wales, 2015) and include healthy relationships education in their work
  • R7 Provide access for staff who work in independent schools and colleges to the National Training Framework (Welsh Government, 2016a)

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