Thematic report |

Review of Disability Equality Schemes and practice in schools and pupil referral units - June 2011

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There has been a marked improvement in the provision of practical help and support to pupils with disabilities in mainstream schools and pupil referral units.Primary, secondary and special schools and pupil referral units are getting better at addressing disability equality. But, special schools are better at removing barriers for pupils with disabilities than most mainstream schools and pupil referral units.


Schools and pupil referral units should:

  • raise awareness amongst pupils, parents and communities about their Disability Equality Scheme and action plan; and
  • ensure that premises are appropriate, particularly in practical and workshop areas.

Local authorities should:

  • ensure that staff at PRUs fully understand their responsibilities and make appropriate provision to promote disability equality;
  • continue to work with schools to ensure that premises are appropriate;
  • monitor Disability Equality Schemes more frequently and provide feedback to schools and PRUs to ensure greater consistency of policy and practice.

The Welsh Assembly Government should:

  • update their guidance to schools, in view of the Equality Act 2010, to support schools in continuing to meet the needs of all pupil groups, including those with disabilities.

For a full list of recommendations, please download the report.

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