Thematic report |

Raising the attainment, achievement and aspiration of children who are looked after - a best practice report

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This report focuses on the good practice that exists in schools, local authorities and the regional consortia. The report includes case studies of best practice. It is intended for the Welsh Government, governors, headteachers, senior leaders and staff in schools, local authorities and the regional consortia.


Schools should:

  • R1 Build on best practice in line with the features of effective schools identified in this report

Local authorities should:

  • R2 Build on best practice in line with the features of effective local authorities identified in this report

The regional consortia should:

  • R3 Improve how they plan for the PDG/LAC to make sure that schools are clear on the priorities for the use of the grant and that their plans take enough account of the complex needs of children who are looked after

The Welsh Government should:

  • R4 Consider broadening performance measures to include progress that is relative to the child’s starting point and extends beyond statutory school age
  • R5 Make sure that the regional consortia’s spending plans are appropriate to local need and based on a sound analysis of the needs of children who are looked after

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