Thematic report |

The quality of new build in Further Education and its impact on learners - June 2010

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In the colleges we visited, the new build and refurbishment work has coincided with an improvement in learner completion and attainment rates and there is some evidence that attendance has improved.


The Welsh Assembly Government should:

  • ask Estyn to carry out a further review on the quality of new build in colleges and its impact on learners within the next three years.

Further education colleges should:

  • make sure that the impact of any new build and/or major refurbishments is reported annually within the colleges’ self-assessment processes;
  • continue to ensure that the estates strategies are up-to-date and contain a rolling plan for continuous improvement of the estate; and
  • extend the collaboration with local area networks to ensure that bids for new builds and/or major refurbishments reflect the needs of the college and its stakeholders.

For a full list of recommendations, please download the report.

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