Thematic report |

Learner support services in further education colleges for learners aged 16-19

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Thematic report | 10/12/2015

pdf, 652.02 KB Added 10/12/2015

This report is published in response to a request for advice from the Welsh Government in the Minister’s annual remit to Estyn for 2014-2015. The report looks at the quality, consistency and impartiality of learner support services that further education colleges provide to learners. Learner support services include coaching for learning, personal support, and careers information and guidance. The report is the second of two. Estyn published the first report on learner support services for pupils aged 14-16 in 2014 and it considered learner support services provided by schools to learners in key stage 4.


Further education colleges should:

  • R1 develop a common method to measure learners’ achievements, including their progress against the objectives set out in the Welsh Government’s Careers and the World of Work Framework (2008) (see Appendix 2)

Local authorities should:

  • R2 make sure all learners are aware of the full range of post-16 options available to them
  • R3 make sure that colleges receive timely information about the achievements and support needs of learners progressing to further education

The Welsh Government should:

  • R4 work with schools, colleges, Careers Wales and local authorities to develop

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