Thematic report |

An evaluation of the impact of transition plans and grant on primary and secondary school partnerships - March 2010

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In 2006, the Welsh Assembly Government issued Circular 30/2006, which gives guidance to schools on planning for pupils’ transition from primary to secondary school. In the same year, the WAG introduced the transition grant to help local authorities to develop innovative and sustainable models of good practice for the transition of pupils from key stage 2 to key stage 3.Transition planning is now a strong feature of the work of most secondary schools and their partner primary schools. Teachers now visit other schools to observe teaching and learning to help them in their planning. However, although standards are generally good, more needs to be done to improve transition activities for numeracy.Most school clusters have identified a need to improve the progression of pupils’ Welsh language skills when they move from primary to secondary school. However, most schools haven’t yet planned to include Welsh-medium provision in their assessment moderation activities.


Schools should:

  • build on partnership and cluster work planning to help all learners to achieve better standards in core subjects and in Welsh as a second language;
  • raise standards in literacy and numeracy by making better use of information about pupils’ achievements when they transfer to secondary school; and
  • evaluate transition arrangements better by canvassing the views of parents or carers and use the results to inform self-evaluation and development plans.

Local authorities should:

  • ensure that transition arrangements raise the standards achieved by all pupils, including the more able; and
  • provide better training for teachers on improving continuity and progression in pupils’ Welsh language development.

The Welsh Assembly Government should:

  • continue to support school clusters in reviewing their initial transition plans and in strengthening key areas of transition.

For a full list of recommendations, please download the report.