Effective practice | 29/06/2018

Leaders at Ysgol Bro Pedr have worked successfully with staff and pupils to establish a climate in the school that supports effective teaching and learning.

Effective practice | 29/06/2018

Leaders and members of staff at Ysgol Pencae have worked together successfully to develop a positive attitude and flexible approach to internal activities such as classroom observations, whole-scho

Effective practice | 29/06/2018

Oldcastle Primary School has a bespoke approach to coaching and mentoring for teachers based on their individual needs and stage of development, which has resulted in consistently good teaching pra

Effective practice | 29/06/2018

Through its consistent approach and focus, Neyland Community Primary School has successfully improved the quality of its teaching.

Effective practice | 28/06/2018

Leaders at Sketty Primary School have supported staff well to address the shortcomings in teaching and the variability of practice across the school.

Effective practice | 28/06/2018

Through listening carefully to staff, valuing their opinions and their work and providing beneficial professional development opportunities leaders at Rogerstone Primary School have successfully im

Effective practice | 20/03/2018

A combination of in-house training and an emphasis on self-evaluation creates opportunities for explorative learning and continual school improvement at Lamphey Primary School.