All-age schools in Wales - A report on the challenges and successes of establishing all-age schools

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All-age school

A school that combines at least two stages of a child’s education (typically primary and secondary).

Also classed as middle schools and defined according to the age range of pupils that they provide for. Either 3-16, 3-19, 4-16 or 4-19.

Areas of learning and experience

Successful Futures refers to the development of six areas of learning and experience as a way of organising curriculum subjects. These are expressive arts, health and wellbeing, humanities, languages, literacy and communication, mathematics and numeracy, and science and technology.

National all-age schools network

A forum for all-age schools in Wales for sharing ideas and research


Allocated year groups within an all-age school. There can be up to four phases in one school.

Phase 1:  Nursery to Year 4

Phase 2: Year 5 to Year 8

Phase 3: Year 9 to Year 11

Phase 4: sixth form (where present)

Phases 2 and 3 span different key stages.


The method and practice of teaching

regional consortia

The provision set up by a group of local authorities to deliver school improvement services as set out in the Welsh Government’s National Model for Regional Working (2014)

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