The teaching of Welsh history including Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic history, identity and culture

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The policy of challenging racism and promoting racial equality

Area of Learning and Experience AoLE

There are six Areas of Learning and Experience in the Curriculum for Wales including the AoLE for humanities.

Black History Month

Black History Month is a month long celebration of the contributions made by people of African and African‑Caribbean descent to local, national and world history.  Black history month is usually held in October.

Black History Cymru 365

Black History Cymru 365 celebrates African and African-Caribbean history and heritage throughout the year in Wales.


The place where we feel we belong, where the people and landscape around us are familiar, and the sights and sounds are reassuringly recognisable. Though often translated as ‘habitat’, cynefin is not just a place in a physical or geographical sense: it is the historic, cultural and social place which has shaped and continues to shape the community which inhabits it. (Curriculum for Wales, Humanities Area of Learning and Experience statements of what matters)

Disciplinary concepts

The concepts that underpin the discipline of history. These include chronology, change and continuity, cause and effect, evidence, interpretations, representations, perspectives, questioning, evaluation, significance, making judgements, validity and interconnectedness.

Disciplinary knowledge and understanding

Knowledge and understanding of the discipline, in this case history. This includes knowledge and understanding of disciplinary and substantive concepts and how they may be planned and taught.

Ethnic Minority

A group of people from a particular culture or race living in a country where the main group is of a different culture or race


Understanding information or view which are not explicit in the text. Pupils take information from the text, make predictions, add their own ideas, draw conclusions and make judgements to create an interpretation of the text.

higher order reading skills

These are identified as usually including the skills of location, reorganisation, inference, evaluation and appreciation. 

Merched y Wawr

A voluntary organisation for women in Wales established in 1967. Two hundred and eighty branches across Wales organise regular meetings and activities.


The method and practice of teaching

Show Racism the Red Card

Show Racism the Red Card is a antiracism educational charity that was established in 1996. The organisation utilises the high profile status of football and football players to help tackle racism in society.

statements of what matters

These are statements that identify key concepts in the areas of learning and experience in the Curriculum for Wales.

Substantive knowledge and concepts

Knowledge about the past. Substantive concepts include diversity, community, authority, governance, citizenship, justice, equality.

regional consortia

The provision set up by a group of local authorities to deliver school improvement services as set out in the Welsh Government’s National Model for Regional Working

Unconscious bias

A preference or prejudice of which a person holding it is not aware. The bias may affect behaviour and decisions.

Numbers – quantities and proportions
nearly all with very few exceptions
most 90% or more
many 70% or more
a majority over 60%
half 50%
around half close to 50%
a minority below 40%
few below 20%
very few less than 10%


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