Supplementary guidance for inspecting safeguarding in non-maintained settings

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Annex 4

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Online safety

Possible questions for leaders and managers

  1. How do you ensure that all staff receive appropriate training on online safety that is relevant and regularly up to date?
  2. What mechanisms does the setting have in place to support children and staff facing issues with online safety?
  3. How does the setting educate and support parents and the whole setting community with online safety?
  4. Does the setting have e-Safety policies and acceptable use policies in place? How does the setting know that they are clear and understood and respected by all?
  5. Describe how your setting supports young children to understand the importance of e-Safety.
  6. Describe how you are preparing to implement the Citizenship strand of the  Digital Competence Framework.

Possible questions for staff

  • Have you had any training that shows the risks to your and children’s online safety?
  • Are there policies in place that clearly demonstrate good and safe internet practice for staff and children? Have you read these? Have you discussed them in a staff meeting or training event?
  • Are there sanctions in place to enforce the above policies? 
  • Do all staff understand what is meant by the term cyber-bullying and the effect it can have on themselves and children?
  • Are there clear reporting mechanisms with a set of actions in place for staff or children who feel they are being bullied online? 
  • How well prepared are you to implement the Citizenship strand of the Digital Competence Framework?

In a good setting we should expect positive answers to all of the above. It would demonstrate a setting’s commitment to e-Safety if all staff had received some awareness training outlining what the current risks are and what resources are available to help them keep children and themselves safe online.

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