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Proposal to extend the frequency of inspections to within seven years

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The Minister for Education and Skills, Huw Lewis, is proposing a change to regulations to allow Estyn to  inspect schools and other providers at least once every seven years, instead of once every six years. The change would take effect from September 2016 and be reviewed again after a seven-year period (one cycle of inspections).  The move will introduce more flexibility into the planning of inspections and allocation of resources.

Meilyr Rowlands, Chief Inspector, says: 

“I welcome the flexibility the proposal to move to a seven-year inspection period gives Estyn. The extended inspection cycle will allow us to be more responsive to implementing any changes that may result from our recent consultation on inspections. Early analysis of the responses show that there is support for a more proportional approach. We also look forward to being fully involved in shaping the new curriculum.”